April 10, 2008

The Art of Studying

The Art Of Studying
1) Read through the material, or otherwise observe the subject or object being studied.

2) List all questions you want answered. Then check the list at least twice.

3. The Equality of questioning (WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHO, WHY, and HOW) may be applied to questions in more than one way. FOr example in tracing your origin you might want to know when and where the person who enrolled you as a student was enrolled as a student, as well by Who. However; to really be familiar with what is being studied, the Equality of questions should be applied in full. FOr reference check the Culture degree in the 1-14. It asks four and gives the other two in question.

4) Get al the study aids you need: dictionary, maps, ruler, compass, magnifying glass, telescope, pencils, pens, pads, highlighter, charts, graphs, etc.. You get the picture.

5) Focus on the subject/object. Do not have your thoughts on how your going to to acquire the new Fila's when you're studying psychology. Don't be thinking about the last time you and your mate got busy when you are studying economy. Keep external distractions to the maximum minimum.

6) If what is being studies is a subject to debate, decide if you are going to support it (pro) or refute it (con). Approach the subject from the con side first if you are pr; then examine the pro so that you can know, not the half but the whole. If it is something historical being studied keep in mind the mental climate of the times. If it's a form of mathematics or science being studied and formulas are involved don't just remember the formulas. Know how and why they work.

7) Understand the way the subject/object (what you are studying) thinks, lives, grows, behaves, or performs. Get to the heart of the facts. Recognize the undeniable truths presented versus the rhetoric or suppositions. Know the relationship that the subject/object under study has to your ultimate goal.

8) Be organized! Keep notes in a logical legible fashion. Don't allow your material to become scattered. Avoid speeding tickets, don't get ahead of yourself.

9) Prepare your material for presentation and or activation. Bring good things to life!

10) Be able to see how it came from you, and be able to bring it back to you!!!Peace Equals Allah Children ExcellenceBy Ramel Allahre-typed by BeGod "Architect" Allah

How to Teach and Learn 120 Degrees in 12 WeeksCurriculum by Um-Allah

1. Read Each Set of Lessons Before Writing.

2. Write Each Set Four Times A Week.Week 1. Student Enrollment 1-10Solar Facts 1-9Actual Facts 1-13Supreme Mathematics 1-0Supreme Alphabet 1-26Lost Found Muslim Lesson 2. 14, 15, 16 DegreeLost Found Muslim Lesson 2. Students Age

Week 2.Lost Found Muslim Lesson 1. 1-5

Week 3. Test LFML 1. 6-10

Week 4.LFML 1. 11-14English C Lesson 1-36

Week 5. Lost Found Muslim Lesson 2. 1-5

Week 6. TestLFML 2. 6-10

Week 7.LFML 2. 11-15

Week 8.LFML 2. 16-20

Week 9. TestLFML 2. 21-25

Week 10. LFML 2. 26-30

Week 11.LFML 2. 31-35

Week 12.TestLFML 2. 36-40

Submitted by BeGod "Architect" Allah

Transformation Into God

Transformation into GodUpon receiving Equality from the Most High which first erupted within the Mind of Allah and created an opening from which this form of Supreme Energy captured and destroyed a shield which surrounded my thought waves, the Supreme Energy force with an undetermined strength of gravitation pulled my thought waves to their new position in the center of the universe where they started to expand. In this expansion a thought wave could not travel across its mass and unlimited circumference without being activated and controlled by the Supreme Energy force. This equality which I now possess is the knowledge which erupted and exploded from the mind of Allah and the position to where my thought waves were gravitationally pulled is only further within the control center of the universe. The control center of the universe is the Mind. The Universe is everything Sun, Moon, and Stars and the Mind; controller of the Sun, Moon and Stars which is universally everything is the Mind of Almighty God Allah. PeaceThis degree of science was completed on the Born day of the Understanding month in the year Knowledge Born God's Wiseness by Father Divine Lord Understanding

Re-Typed by Be God "Architect" Allah

No Woman No Cry

In the Name of Allah the Supreme Being, the True and living God the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords the Creator of the Universe, the Master of the day of Judgement, One to whom all praises are due to forever and Hereafter, and in mine, do I greet you my beloved Brothers and Sister in the highest order of the Universe which is PEACE, LOVE, AND HAPPINESS.

I hope this issue of the Sun of Man will find all of you as well as your Loved ones in the best of Health as for self I'm fine and remain on chill!Now moving right along, I would like to take this opportunity to address a subject which every few years try's to slide itself in among the teachings of the righteous from one source or another and without fail. While the subject and the theme of this issue may seem to be cool or even cold in regards to the role that the woman plays in it. It is not meant to offend or anger any woman of the righteous influence, for whom I have the utmost love and respect, on the contrary it is designed to fortify the relationship of the Original Black Family, while at the same time deliver a better understanding to the young in regards to the Original teachings of Almighty God Allah concerning the subject which is Marriage under the government as well as the main theme which is...


Our Father taught us that not only should we teach and educate our woman, we should treat them right, to love them, respect them and protect them, even pamper them when possible, However that we should always stand fast as Lord and Master of the Universe, and for no reason I repeat for no reason should the righteous get married under the the laws of this government, he made it very clear that to do so was wrong and if you did not only were you falling a victim to the teachings of the Euro-American government, you are falling a victim to the teaching of the Euro-Centric woman.The first law of the Universe is Be fruitful and to multiply, The first law given to mankind was to Be fruitful and multiply, The first law of nature is to be fruitful and multiply even the birds and the Bees know that, some will say it's "self preservation" to them I say what greater self preservation is their then SELF CREATION?

From ADAM to NOAH to ABRAHAM to LOTT to YACUB to MUSA to JESUS to MUHAMMAD to ELIJAH to THE FIVE PERCENT NATION, the first commandment of ALLAH has always been the same TO REPLENISH THE EARTH!!!


Weather it takes you 1 wife or 100 wives, 1 relationship or 100 relationships thats up to you, however the laws of Allah remains the laws of the Universe.Since the days of the crusaders and missionaries when they invaded Asia and Africa, western society has done all within it's power to alter the relationship between the original man and the original woman in it's natural form. Even after they bombed Japan they told them there would not be any peace or economic aid until their woman were given the same rights as American women, to which they did submit, however they maintain there separate languages (one for males and one for females.) even until today.This was among the trick-knowledge that Musa had taught them in regards to mastering the Original Man. It doesn't take a genius to realize that any time you upset the order of any civilization or nation, while injecting a false and foreign sense of authority (pins and needles!) in the females not only do you create, confusion and disharmony among that generation because of the mothers influence over the children while rearing them the future generation are weakened by the same false and foreign (Pin and Needle) teachings.While most women bear witness to this when their mothers, fathers, and friends start asking them when is the wedding or when will you'll get married, while we bare witness to it ever time your woman or Earth slips the subject of marriage under the government into the conversation after knowing full well what our teachings are in regards to that subject. However it's become natural, America has taught women from childhood that traditional marriage American style is part of her natural order, and that any child born outside of this tradition is considered a bastard in the eyes of that society. However any society that would dare label it's children, who are innocent by birth in the Eyes of God, and whose children are the backbone and future of that civilization is in fact calling it self a bastard society!!! Not to leave the subject at hand so it's natural for women who is wisest of cultivator on Earth, whether she be cultivating something as small as a mustard seed or a 250 pound Black, Brown or Yellow seed, to seek what she has been taught from her childhood was the best thing for herself and her children.


The story of Adam and Eve in regards to the serpent has always been a sign for mankind, ALLAH gave the proper knowledge to Adam, and forewarned him of the false knowledge (the apple the apple has always been a symbol of knowledge in ancient times until now when they place it in the mouth of a roasting swine!) Now Eve feed this knowledge to Adam and he swallowed it right up, now when Allah returned Adam tried to hide he knew his shame, he knew he was wrong, he felt naked because he knew that ALLAH could see through his false knowledge and unrighteousness to his very cultivation, then Eve told ALLAH that the serpent Beguiled her, (conned her!) This showed Allah that Adams love love for Eve and her Serpent teachings were greater than his love for the teachings of his creator ALLAH.Thus he was exiled!


You see Eve didn't have to put a gun to Adam's head or a knife to his throat, all she had to do was Beguile him, con-vience him, cultivate his mind, to bring about the beginning of his end. So when a so-called five percenter or god gets married under the government I loose all respect for him because he knew better and he's wrong, not the woman, she's just doing what comes natural cultivating the WEAKER SEED.


My beloved Brothers and Sisters Almighty God Allah taught me that there is No Greater Marriage in the Eyes of Allah then one were the Brother and Sister or sisters whichever, are pure, righteous, honest sincere and devoted in their love for each other, their Universe (family) and their Nation, thats a marriage that is in harmony with the will of ALLAH.A blind man should be able to see that if it takes a 2 dollar piece of paper to prove your love and hold your marriage together It's not very strong from the start, thats a weak love. It also places a un-alike authority over you and your Universe, when you submit to that authority you are giving them your word that you will live by the rules and regulations of that authority, which in this country is one that has always been more favorable to women than men surely the God of the Universe should know wether or not his marriage is right or wrong, or when it should be ended, without the help of the police department, and the divorce courts, to tell you it's over, having the people who don't now you from Adam, sitting in judgement over you and your Universe is not only degrading, it's an insult to the intelligence of the Original Man. In a society were some people get married for 2dollars and end up paying two million to get a divorce, divorce tend to make lawyers richer while increasing the hatred between the husband and wife, who might have in time decided to resolve their own problems, if not for the bitter battles that take place in the court rooms, which is often worse then the original reason for divorce. Now we all know some marriages do work out, however they are the exceptions, in America over half of all marriages end in divorce, that alone is proof that the system isn't working. (This article will be continued in the 8 point Q2 issue, So until our minds meet again, PEACE!

and keep your eyes open for them serpents bearing little green apples!)





Re-typrd by Be God "Architect" Allah

God of the Shield

By G. Kalim The science of The Shield is a knowledge that many who are vague on Nation Affairs , need to learn. In battles the shield is an instrument of defense and protection. In the the Nation of Gods and Earths (5%), there are gods who have shielded, defended, and protected our Nation from day one. And from the time of our father's assassination.These Gods have insured that our Nation would have continuity. They are the reason that you younger brothers can celebrate a 25th Anniversary. They are the shield of this nation and the seed, earth, water, and sunlight that made it grow. They took the blows for this nation. They always stood out front, in the face of adversity and danger. For example: when shooting occurred at the Universal rally in Medina where a brother was Killed.) At the time of the shooting many were running from the scene of it. While a few gods (Rayheem-Minister-etc) ran toward the trouble. I thought that I would remember some of the faces that I saw running past me, damn near knocking over Earths and children to find safety. But the faces became obscure, after I reached the scene where the brother laid dying in Fort Green Park. The same thing happened, shortly after in front of Allah School during a Rally, in Mecca. And those Gods of the Shield ran toward the theatre of action again, weaving thru panic stricken brothers. Again when I reached the scene, Black Armin lay dead.If not for durability and steadfastness of the Gods of the Shield, there would be no school, parliament, and possibly no Nation, today.There are those who have been around for years (since 1964) and every-time troubles arose, they went on vacation. They were never dented, scarred or damaged, like the Gods of the Shield, so they don't look as worn as the Gods of the Shield. The Gods of the Shield are the first line of Nations defense. The others look fine because they never stood in front of the gun. They never try to take on the mental and physical battles that our Nation has come thru. They simply say "Kalim will do it...Sabu will do it...etc:. And they've been saying this for so long until it has become second nature to them. So they're just fine. They're in Tip Top shape, because they've yet to endure the trials and tribulations that the Gods of the Shield have endured, consistently.Well, that's all water over the dam. Righteous men catch more HELL, ie. JOB (in the bible) he did nothing wrong to his God, but he had to catch cold hell, to show and prove that he loves his God more than the material things (even children). When Job's so-called friends came to comfort him and mourn with him, they ended up accusing him and condemning him. All three of them denied Job in his turn. Eliphaz the Temanite; Bildad the Shuhite; and Zophar the Na'amathite. See JOB: 2:11, 2:13, 4:3, 4:4, 4:5, etc.All to say this: THIS OLD SHIELD IS IS WORN BECAUSE HE HAS STOOD WHILE OTHERS SAT. BECAUSE HE WAS THERE WHEN OTHERS WERE VACATIONING. BECAUSE HE GAVE AND GIVES ALL WITHIN HI POWER TO INSURE THAT ALLAH'S SCHOOL AND ALLAH'S NATION SHALL NEVER BITE THE DUST. THE SAME GOES FOR ALL THE GODS OF THE SHIELD. SOME ARE IN THE JAILS AND SOME HAVE RETURNED TO THEIR ESSENCE. BUT ALL HAVE GIVEN THEIR ALL TO MAKE THIS NATION GROW. AND DON'T YOU YOUNG WHIPPER SNAPPERS EVER FORGET IT.So if you are fortunate enough to know an "OLD GOD" who you have learned was a stand out (for this nation) in his time. You need to know how lucky you are, because there is much he can show & tell you that will come in handy when it is your time to SHIELD THIS NATION.You youngsters had better remember that LOOKS ARE DECEIVING, that it is not wise to jude the book by the cover. Because the Gods of the Shield have been thru 25 years of making sure that you could be here. THEY HAVE SWAM THEIR 9,000 MILES. Some of them are worn out, some are tired, but with rest and restoration, they will be around for many moons. Healthy again, strong again, and breeding good Gods again.Finally, you new Shields must be twice as strong, durable, and this time DRUG FREE... to carry our Nation into the Twenty First Century.NEXT CHAPTER: GETTING TO 2,000 A.D.re-typed by BeGod "Architect" Allah

Old Man Justice/Free Cipher Akbar

Old Man Justice-Free Cipher Akbar

Peace, Peace, Allah's pudding (cream) is in our history. A older God shared some history with me a few years back on Old Man Justice. The God mentioned how Old Man Justice was the go to God for hustles. I thought that was cooler than a peppermint patty because a few in my immediate cipher cee me as the go to God in ways for getting some quick cash. The God also shared how when the Father returned to the essence many of the Gods expected Old Man Justice C to step up to the plate and take over the Nation but that didn't happen.Now, let's take a look at the name, Justice C = Justice Understood. The same Man who said "Allah came with the teaching that turned boys into men." He meant that after the Father there would be no more leaders only best knowers.

Justice: is a reward or penalty based in the deeds of a persons actions. When Old Man Justice chose not to lead the Nation, the Gods who were once Allah's Five Percent stepped up and chose themselves. The Father's death and Justice's lack of action were the catalyst of creating a FREE CIPHER, in creating a nation of free and independent thinkers. ALLAH-IS-AKBAR.

Like the God's of antiquity, I NOW must step up to the plate and do all I can and all within my powers to keep my Father's teaching of Living Mathematics Alive. The Power is within the Knowledge. Today's Mathematics is Knowledge Power, all being Born to, Equality. In the "Julious You Lie Why" or "Julious You Right Y" Month. Through a mans Knowledge you Cee his Power and with the same Equality of the Father it is my duty to "Teach On."On the Wisdom Equality Day, in the Just U Nobody Else month I chose to upload a build of one of the nations older Gods. I placed the build on line First: To inform all those who are concerned with Nation business and were not able to make it to the Medina Rally. Second: Due to the topic of the Build I felt that the build should speak for itself so I uploaded the build untampered. As a result of me uploading the footage some Nation of God and Earth members are considering my actions "questionable" to say the least while other NGE members are telling me it was a "poor" choice.

Well I am a "Poor Righteous Teacher" and I Build to differ. This is a confrontational Nation. We have the "Hot Seat" as well as "Truth or Square". I didn't bite my tongue at the rally and I didn't clip my finger tips when I arrived home either. The Wisdom Understanding degree in the Supreme Alphabet is "Wisdom" or "Why". So I questioned..All i wanted was to be presented with the information. The Wisdom Power degree in the Supreme Alphabet is "Why" and Why I uploaded the footage is because: I wanted to be assured that all involved were the "best of planners" as well as the "best knowers" all must be accountable and responsible.I am not in a click or a follower of no man or religion. However I am not trying to reinvent the wheel either, meaning I walk the same righteous path as my Father all mighty Allah, who is all wise and does every thing right and exact.From what I learned over the years in this beautiful and mighty nation is, Allah the Father championed a 99 year lease with then New York City Mayor John Lindsey. Allah, being All Wise garnered a 99 year lease thats three generations. If we as a nation have yet qualified ourselves to erect our own 25 story building means by my observation that we are not ready. Allah is a Master Builder and Best of Planners. Do we make sub-deals with the Devil to achieve Allah's World Manifest? Emphatically No. We have, we know, and we Understand 120 degrees.

Who is the Original Man? He is the Maker and Owner (period)Why isn't the Devil settled on the best part of the planet Earth? Because the Earth belongs to the original man and knowing that the devil is weak and wicked and that there wouldn't be any peace amongst "US"... So we kept the best part for ourselves (period)My advice to our desiring next door neighbors is to make their blue print 20 feet smaller on each side and as a result they won't have to ask us or pay us for Savior He I Truth.My advice to my Universal Family, those of you who are teaching out there teach harder in building a nation within a nation. Educate them babies we need new young thick blood. Let them babies know that we have our job cut out for us and it's both at home and abroad. Let's Get it In and remember what Justice C use to say "Any Number Can Play." One Man-One Word-Can Change a Nation.

Peace to 2122 my root of civilization the place where I was Born. You Know Me -You Know My Heart- and You Know Where my Intentions are (period)And for those who bite their nails and are weak in the knees and who chose to focus on the color and style of shoe standing on their neck rather than the shoe it self, is only more evidence that we still have some "fashionable" niggaz amongst Original Men and Women.Out here on these streets everyday I put my life on the line for less, so know, I will readily die for this nation. The devil doesn't even fear death.I leave you how I came with the Universal Greeting Of Power Equality Allah Cees Everything.

Your Brother In Allah World Manifest, BeGod "Architect" Allah the Teacher Of Man, Woman, and Child using the Seven, Sun, Moon, and Star as my Blueprint.

Father Equality Pt.2

Peace to the Gods and Earths on this very important day in our history of Wisdom Wisdom (22) in the month of Father Equality Born (february). Today is our Father's degree day, All praises are due to Allah. Today I rose out of bed energetic, motivated, and appreciative for the man who is known for "Pudd'N" a entire generation in their place so that his Suns and Daughters today can have what he left us yesterday. I can't say it enough, all praises are due to Allah who was all wise, righteous, and the best of planners. I would like to thank all the Gods and Earths who responded to my post "One Word Can Change A Nation". Back in the day's when I use to build with the God Prince (Al-Jabbar) on the roof of Allah's Street Academy in Mecca, he told me that if there are Nine Gods in a room and we ask how do you cee today's mathematics we should get nine different answers. so those Gods and earths that shared their understanding with me I thank you again.Today's Mathematics is Wisdom Wisdom all being Born to Culture or Freedom. Through a God and Earth wise words and wise actions it shows and prove that he or her has freed their mind from the devils culture and therefore showing and proving their culture is to be all wise and righteous. Now, that's a Victory for your "Allah Self Saviour". Allah IS the piece with that magnetic and all who are A-Like him when-ever or wher-ever we want to cee our Father, ALL we have to do is come together. I would like to give a strong and sincere shout out to the Gods and Earths in Allah's Paradise (Asbury Park) for hosting a Supreme Celebration of our Fathers degree day. It was most PEACE. And to the Gods and Earths hosting Allah Annual degree day in Mecca I look forward to ceeing you this weekend. I am hearing to much about saviour's day and I will leave it at that. I know who my Saviour is I'll make Knowledge Born (damn, Allah's all wise) on a later date if I have to. I leave you how I came energetic, motivated, and appreciative for the man who is know for "Pudd'N" us in our place, Allah the Father.Power Saviour: If your still calling him Clarence 13x maybe thats why your going to saviours day. Peace, Your A-alike in Allah's World Manifest, Be God Architect Allah the Builder of men using the 7 Sun Moon and Stars as my blueprintOh yea, One word can change a Nation I said "Teach" (Through Equality of Allah we can Cee Him) ; )

Father Equality Born Pt.1

Peace to the Gods and Earths, I write this blog post on the Wisdom Equality Day, all being Born to Build or Destroy, to share the light of my beautiful weekend. My weekend began by attending the well attended dance in Mecca, New York at the Hall across the street from Allah's School. I danced from the knowledge wisdom hour to the understanding hour, only stopping for libations and food. The food was hot, the drinks were cold, and the Dj Wise Magnetic, was of the hook. I had a great night being with my family. It was by far the best Father Degree dance I attended to date. ??What i got the most kick out of was the "elders" I laugh when i say that now. They were dirty winding it, chicken noodle souping it, and every thing else up under the sun, moon and stars. Looking at my family the only thing came to mind was that we don't age well, if you can understand that. That night the Gods and Earths showed and proved that we were deffinetly INTUNE with the Universe, for every single step and two step seemed as if it were mathematically calculated and scientifically delivered.??Yea I was a little salty, when I didn't win the door prize, i could have really used the China set :) So after dancing the night away I had to go back to Now Justice to get a little rest for the Universal Parliament the next day. I felt good the next morning and even better when I walken into the auditorium of Hariet Tubman School at Knowledge going through the wisdom hour (2:05). When I stepped in Gykee was holding down the floor giving us some good, true and living history, how only a Sun of Allah can give it and the jewels didn't stop that after the God sat down either. One God after another came up and shared thier unique history using their own self style wisdom. It was Supreme. If what I seen at Allah's Paradise, Nj and Mecca, NY is just the tip of the Atom of what this Nation have in store for this year, it's going to be a Supreme Year. Until I cee you in the person we are together in the mindset of our Father.??Peace Be God Achitect Allah.??Power Saviour: What events are Next on the family calender i'm excited

Twin Towers

Peace Family,
Twin Towers
I was fortunate in having the opportunity to attend the classes of two of our nations strongest and most loved members. The God Kalim Allah and the God who is no longer with us, 3rd Born Prince Allah. However, if you had the opportunity to Build with Prince only once, the God will always be present in the mind. For a minute with the God Prince was like a hour with the rest of them.
I attended the God Kalim class on saturday and if my memory serves me correctly, the God Prince had class on tuesday's. Me being a new born at the time and not from Now Why, I knew very little history of these two Gods relationship with one another. The God Kalim warmed up to me almost immediately whereas with the God Prince it took sometime.
I will never forget when the God Kalim first saw me climbimg off the roof of Allah's School. He gave me a good look over probally to see if I was stimulated or not, I wasn't, then he said "you're up there with Prince fucking with those dirty ass pegions." I smiled, answered yes, and went on to purchase some seeds for Princes Birds. Although these men had the same Father and shared a equal love for their nation, their outlook on things were completly different. Here is a example of what I mean.
Around this time the FUBU clothing company was hot and killing the streets. FUBU had a football jersey which on the front had the numbers 05 on it. One day I was with the God Prince and a God had the FUBU jersey on and Prince looked at him as said " You have Zero Power." I was like damn this nigga is crazy but that is how the God saw the Math. A few weeks later i'm reading a Five Percenter newspaper or maybe I was was in Kalim's saturday class when he brought up FUBU and the jersey with the 05 on the front of it. The God went on to say that .05 was the decimal for 5%. When I heard Kalim say that I flipped. Thats when the God Prince came to mind and one of his many jewels he shared with me came straight to the forefront. The God Prince taught me that "if there are nine Gods in a room and if someone asks 'how do you see today's Mathematics' we should hear nine different answers."
For me Now Why, will never be the same after it lost its walking and taking TWIN TOWERS.
The God Kalim once taught natural science and it was he who inspired me to want to teach. If not for the God Kalim, I would have never went back to school. I earned my G.E.D 7 years after, I should have graduated from highschool. I earned my first college degree 11 years after, I should have graduated from college, and this would all be true, if I was on the colored man's clock. However, after learning that I write my own history and koran and that Allah comes in his own GOOD time, that I realized, that I, was right on-time.
The God Prince taught me to cee lessons in every thing.
Around this time one of Prince's Pitbull dogs bit a hole into his foot. Aww man this was deffinetly an eyesore, no pun intended. But it was in that sore that the God taught me how a nation can be destroyed and healed.
The Sore: The God explained how when a sore first begin to develop it starts from a little hole and works its way out. Meaning it starts within the cipher and enlarges and enlarges. However, when it begins to heal the sore heals from the outside and works it was back to the root. I saw the jewel in that build, which was, if any thing is going to destroy our nation it will have to come from within our nation. And the ones who will save our nation, may be the persons furthest from the root of the problem.
It's ironic to me why the God Prince took a liking to me. I felt it was because I was once a "orthodox" muslim and was familiar with the koran, spoke a little Arabic, and at a time prayed 5,6,7 times a day. It was in the Gods class that I was able to get back intune with my spiritual side. The God was not a advocate of prayer but he did not see it as submitting to a mystery God either. Prince explained to me that one time on the Island of Pelan (Rikers, a boat use to leave the Bronx, that took prisoners to the Island) a God saw him on his knees praying in a salaat position. This God ran around the island as if he was Paul Reveere announcing that he saw 3rd Born Prince praying. One of the Gods who knew Prince came to him as if to check him or something for praying. And this is what the God told me he told the God who came to check him. "Why are you coming at me for praying. I didn't say anything when those ****** were over there ******* your ****." And it was this build with the God Prince that I learned that we had un-alikes in our nation.
Peace to all the True and Living Gods and Earths. Your A-alike in making Knowledge Born, Be God "Architect" Allah, the builder of Man, Woman, and Child. Using the Seven, Sun, Moon, and Stars as my Blueprint.

120 Degrees and Hypnosis

120 Degrees and Hypnosis
Peace Family,
Allah the Father founder of the 5% Nation of Gods and Earths was said to have a very unique (candence) self style wisdom, those who were fortunate to hear Him speak said it was hypnotizing. I am too young to have witness the Father's oratory skills of mathematical expression, however, I was fortunate enough to hear men who were then, child students of his, and like the Father they express their Knowledge and Wisdom like no other persons on the planet.
One of the Fathers first students 3rd Born Prince Allah (PBUH) a diffinitive speaker of Allah's Supreme Mathematics and 120 degrees spoke on hypnosis on occasion. Prince explained how the 5% Nation of God and Earth dealth with hypnosis through the science of memorization. The God told me don't worry about gaining a understanding of 120 degrees immediately but to memorize them and a understanding will born itself in time. It was through this process that the concious would train the subconsious, and the subconcious would train the super subconcious, and this is when you will begin to walk, talk, and breath Allah's Livng Mathematics.
I first came to understand hypnosis and it's gradual affects on me through the Born degree in the English C Lesson (1-36). This degree states that "The devil taught us how to eat the wrong foods." The first degree/principal in the Supreme Mathematics is Knowledge. For one to gain Knowledge he/her must be obsevant, know how to listen, and be able to retain what he/her has learned. In doing the Knowledge to what I can and cannot eat, was one of my first encounters with hpnosis. In reading the labels of all foods which I was to eat checking for pork and by-pork products, I was setting the stage unknowingly to how I would address all other things I encountered.
I began inspecting all books that I wanted to read differently prior to checking ingrediants on packages. Now, before reading a book, I would check out the publishing company, I would look into the author, and then I would decide if this book is worth me reading it. I credit this new assessment technique to label watching, which I did to make sure that I took in only the best foods physically aswell as mentally. I also began to apply more scrutiny to the type of people I socialized with aswell as did business with, to insure my success as maker and owner and God of the Universe, through keeping God Cipher Divine.
Hypnosis is to peacefully come to terms with particular and in-particular occurances. I came to understand that knowing 120 degrees was an accomplishment but it didn't serve as a instant gratification, you have to Build to be Born. After a while with this knowledge you will cee that everything is Mathematics and that Mathematics is everything. You will be giving a friend or co-worker advice who is not apart of the 5% Nation, you will end the conversation go back into your cubical look at the time and or calender and be like "Allah is God". Because everything you just said was either the day's degree, the day's Mathematic, or was right on time.
Peace to Allah the Father who gave us what we needed yesterday, today, and tomorrow to grow and develop into the God and Earth we were Born to Be.
Peace your A-alike in making Knowledge Born, BeGod "Architect" Allah. The Builder on Man, Woman, and Child using the Seven, Sun, Moon, and Star as my Blueprint.

Allah School In Mecca

Allah School/Mecca
Peace Family,
I always gave credit to Allah School for giving me the Knowledge of My Self, it was at Allah School I attended the classes of the Greatest Gods in our Nation of that era. I said they were the greatest because they chose to hold themselves accountable and became responcible in holding down a class at Allah School in Mecca.
At that time I was attending classes held by Kalim Allah, Prince Allah, Minister Allah Shah, the God Darkim Allah and for a short time Dumar Wade Allah.
Their were two Gods inparticular that I walked the land with and was able to get more of a personal Understanding of how they live out their Mathematics. The first God, who I consider my big brother is the God Darkim. I was attracted to him because he was like me. Darkim was young, street savy, and puffed on the equality. The God is a year and a few months older than me, and to cee him with his own class was impressive and left me with the feeling of wanting what he had. Supreme KNOWLEDGE, WISDOM, and UNDERSTANDING
The other God was Minister Allah Shah. Since the time i've known the God he has been in and out of the beast. I haven't seen the God in a few years but his lessons hold more truth today than they did yesterday. I came across the God physical the "Barber" a few years back and got the God's honorable but was never able to catch up with the 'Minister' to Build. This God walked me all over Mecca and me being from Now Jusitce loved and appreciated the personal tour of the city, which I only knew the poor parts of. Allah Shah walked me all over uptown, we climbed Sugar Hill, along 145st, then down Edgecomb, while he shared history and jewels.
It was at this time that the God taught me how to Eat to Live and not to Live to Eat. Allah Shah, sat me down and explained how I would come across Gods who were going to say don't eat this and that I shouldn't eat that. Allah Shah talked about the enzymes in pizza cheese and all that shit. And finished with I can eat whatever I want as long as it wasn't pork. The God was right over the years I met numerous Gods with the "Forbidden Foods List."There were things on the list I aggreed with and some things on the list that had me cracking up.
However, later on in the years, I would try to find the God Allah Shah to find out he was back in the belly. Not being able to locate the God, I only had the jewels he left me about food. And that's when I came to realize that "maybe" if the God payed a little more attention to the physical foods he ate, that he wouldn't of had so many run-ins with the law, a.k.a the digestive system.
If any one reads this who Knows Minister Allah Shah, tell him BeGod said get at him and that the time spent with him at Allah School was pertinent to my growth and development in this nation and that I miss and love him.
Parliaments: In the early 90's when I came into the K.O.M.S taking public trasportation the NJ Transit, Path, or the A Train to and from Mecca and Medina always were like pre and post Parliament events. You would meet and Build with Gods and Earths from as far as Philly taking that trip to the holy city of Mecca to Build with their family.
Once stepping off the train I realized that theres no place on the planet like Now Why. Maybe it's because I am not from Now Why but there is no place on Earth I feel safer. My Mecca is Harlem, I cee remnents of my Culture everywhere. I'm being peaced on every other corner, only to hear, stories of a time when you would recieve the universal greeting of Power Equality Allah Cee Equality on every corner.
At this time in my history the Parliaments were held in the gym, personally I liked it better in there. They had the cafeteria tables with the attached chairs around the perimeter of the gym. The cipher in the middle of the floor which is commonly used for jumpball to start a basketball game, Gods and Earths held down the Parliament goers.
It was at this time and in that place, I fell in love with the oratory expression of Allah's Mathematics. In side of that tiny room in side Harriet Tubman school I met the biggest and Greatest Gods. That gym was my incubator and it was the heat manifested at that time and in that place, I adopted and adapted these great Builders, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding to formulate my own Self Style Wisdom.
Their were a group of Builders who I will never forget. First there was Original King, who I think was out of the Desert. If that is the case, there was nothing dry abouth this Gods wisdom. Original King was the coolest Builder I've seen to date. The God rocked his leather Just Ice Rasta Crown with the Universal Flag on top and his locks beneath. And with his smooth self style wisdom had me hypnotized. Then their was El'Naiem he was straight fire. Where is the God, is he still physically with us I haven's seen the Old God in a minute.
Of course Big Freedom a.k.a Popa Wu, the only God I've seen with enough magnetic to draw up everyone from the hallway and from outside into the gym. Then there was the mind boggling Sha Sha out of Medina, the gate keeper of the nation. I'm so glad that I had the Knowledge degree in the 1-10 to never had to ask the God his nationality. I need my neck.
Then we have the National Spokesman, Dumar Wade Allah. Another one, still to this day, Dumar, is the only God that gets around of applause after he closes his build. Then there is the master oratory of history the God Kalim. The God will take you physically through the Build or Destoy degree in the 1-40, have you on the verge of busting a seem in laughter sharing history of his past addiction, he'll have your eyes all misty on the Gods we lost to the war on drugging and drinking, aswell as, have your blood boiling ready to erupt with his S.O.S to save our school.
And last but not least the God who boxed his was out of hell on more than one occasion 3rd Born Prince Allah, The difinitive Builder of Allah's Mathematics and 120 degrees. I love my nation and would like to give a strong PEACE to all the men who did their part in my transition, rights of passage, from a boy to a man. Peace your A-alike in making Knowledge Born, BeGod "Architect" Allah, Using the 7, Sun, Moon, and Star as My Blueprint.

Understanding Knowledge

"Understanding today’s Suprememathematics"

Peace Family, Today's Supreme Mathematics is Knowledge, all being Born. to Wisdom, From the Original man's Knowledge, you hear his Wisdom, from his Wisdom you Cee his Understanding and within that Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understandig is His Culture.
This Build is about Understanding "Knowledge" (3+1=4). I say Understanding Knowledge because to have knowledge your dealing with these three principles: Insight, Hindsight, and Foresight. This takes me to these three degrees.
The Knowledge degree in the (1-10)The Knowledge degree in the (1-14) and the Knowledge Degree in the (1-40).
In Understanding Knowledge, we must know who the Original man is and that is the "Insight" giving in the Knowledge degree in the (1-10). The Orginal Man is the Asiatic Blackman, the Maker, the Owner, the Cream, the Father, all being Born, to God. My Culture is I-God.
In Understanding Knowledge, we must Know, why the Devil isn't settled on the best part of the planet Earth. We need to know and Understand that the devil is weak and wicked. And in knowing that, God and devil walks hand and hand, we do not entertain him/devil or intertwine the two. And this is the "Hindsight" giving in the Knowledge degree in the (1-14), Why isn't the devil settled on the best part of the planet Earth?
In Understanding Knowledge, we are able to predict, not prophesies, and that "Foresight" is manifested in the Knowledge degree in the (1-40). In writting our history by living out our Culture, making (1* 1-10) our Koran or Bilble equal to our home (1*1-14) circumference we are showing and proving how we were able to predict (22* 1-40) then manufacture the birth of the devil and then Destroy him in 1 (Knowledge) day. All praises are due to Allah who came with the Light and Sound (L+S =64=1) showing and proving His Equality within His Culture. So Now that you understand the Knowledge (1-36) Now What!
Peace Your A-alike in making Knowledge Born, BeGod "Architect" Allah. The Builder of Man, Woman, and Child, Using the 7, Sun, Moon, and Star as my Blueprint.


Peace Family,
I hope this open letter reaches all the True and Living Gods and Earths in the best of health and strength as they live in accordance to Allah’s will and his Supreme Mathematics.
I don’t deal in symbolic mathematics or Build subliminaly. I keep it real and teach it simple using the tools that were left here by Almighty God Allah himself. I would never give a student something that I wouldn’t give my own child so take this baby food.
On the Wisdom God (BeGod) day there was an Original pod cast on Orginal Thought Megazine.com. This Build was spear headed by the God Quannaah. The God’s Build was addressing Gods and Earths who come in the of Allah or as member of tHis nation who he feels may not be the empitimy of what he thinks a God, Earth, or nation member should be. The God also address the issue of Gods and Earths who teach via the computer or telephone equating their acts to being something other than righteous and liking it to the place where the devil was manufactured the 27 degree (BeGod) in the 1-40.
To argue with the God of the importance of teaching Allah’s World Manifest in the person is foolish and I am far from that being that I am All Wise and Civilized. The reason for me posting this Build is because recently I came across a young God on the Nation of God and Earth message board who was practically begging for a God or Earth to reach out to him and assist him in his growth and development as a young Man who is striving to learn and live out his birth right as God. These science are high exsplosives snd if you mis-represent it is possible that you may lose a finger, a eye, a hand, or your head. Who dare play with Allah, that is none of my concern. I give it to who ever wants if regardless if I agree with their life style. Saviour He I Truth if they cross paths with me they aren’t that sweet anyway. Because this God live in the pits.
I am not from Now Why or from a city where I was surrounded by Gods and Earths, so I had to go a different route in accuiring this Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding. ( Ask Born Educator my myspace friend how I ran up on him for knowledge after detecting him and his crown with tassel walking down my block). The P.ower in E.quality is to L.ove A.llah N.ation (PELAN) and to turn any place into a place where we Man-U-Fact is God showing and proving that God is seen and heard everywhere.
The Wisdom Degree (Be) in the 1-40 ask, What is the Circumference of the planet Earth? The answer is 24,896 approximently 25,000 miles. The difference of approximation is 104 miles. The nation of Gods and Earths have had a strong presence here in cyber space for the last Knowledge Culture, 14 years. It is the True and Living God and Earth in the C.ee I. Born A.llah cipher which makes this circumference complete. God and Earth on-line is how you turn the poor part into the best part. This is the true and living science of Alchemy (Peace to Supreme in GA). What we as Supreme Scientist need to be sciencing up is how we can draw up these Gods and Earths here in the cyber world and Born them into Allah World Manifest filling up the Seats at the Universal Parliaments and establishing street academy’s around the world.
I never set my self up as no man’s island. Every God or Earth that I have taught has as much love for Allah School in Mecca and this Nation that I do regardless to their relationship with me. Show me any God in the free cipher (not one locked up in NY and taught someone from KY) who has taught more Gods and Earths in more hoods, states, or providences in this day and time than me. Not to mention have I have my numbers in jail to. I am international like IHOP. Open up any 5% News Paper and you will Cee branches of my tree donating time and money money and time to preserve and protect Allah School in Mecca while they each hold down there city and state respectfully. I even have Earth’s who I am no longer with who never dropped their crown and still come around the root.
My Name is BeGod "Architect" Allah and I don’t make devil, I Born God! I am Strong (God) and a good Breeder (Builder). Be Borns, God. God Borns, Build.
My Name is BeGod "Architect" Allah, master of all the worlds (not some). The best knower of the seen and un-seen thats the X and O’s.
After traveling back and forth from the root of civilization I come to understand the True importance of Allah’s school in Mecca. It is not that you travel to the school to be taught you go there to be examined, adjusted, refreshed, intune with the root, and to be connected with Gods and Earths around your way and the world.
Allah school receives hundreds of letters a year from Gods and Earths in the free cipher as well as from those who are incarcerated on some devil’s prison island. These Gods, Earths, and 85ers write the school for 120 degrees, plus lessons, 5% news paper, photo’s and Flags. Each of these letters are responded to in time and it is also recommnded that Gods and Earths who have the time should stop by and hold your self accountable by responding to a few of them. These Gods and Earths that you write you may never Cee or hear from them in the person. Still, the Duty of the civilized is to teach all the families of the planet Earth regardless to whom or what. Regardless of time, space, or person.
I don’t deal in Quantum science and if and when I want that, I will go to the Desert (Queens) where no one does it better.
When I want it green and mean I go to Medina (Brooklyn)
When I want it hard and strong I go to Pelan (Bronx)
And when I want it to walk and talk I go straight to the heart Mecca (Harlem)
If any God, Earth, Big I, or little u have a problem with me say my name-say my name and I will come. Because if I have a problem with you I am going to say yours and if I have your picutre I will show it. And for the Gods and Earths who are All Wise and Civilized if you believe just half of the Be-Lies that you here about me, I will believe in none of the things I hear about you. If I have a problem with you or a question for you I will approach you by name on the
S.aviour P.ower C.ipher T.ruth
The Truth Crushed to the Ground Shall Rise to the Top.
Do the Knowlege
Do the 1
BUT Never take any thing on face value. I don’t give a Father You Cee King how long they have had K.O.S.
Your A-alike in making Knowledge Born BeGod Architect Allah, The Builder of Man, Woman, and Child using the Seven, Sun, Moon, And Star as my blueprint.
Peace to all the Gods in the Federal Projects that I have lived in all my life. Peace to the Gods in Cipher He (OH), Cee Truth (CT), Kingdom (KY), Now Justice (NJ), Men of Men (MN)