April 10, 2008

The Art of Studying

The Art Of Studying
1) Read through the material, or otherwise observe the subject or object being studied.

2) List all questions you want answered. Then check the list at least twice.

3. The Equality of questioning (WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHO, WHY, and HOW) may be applied to questions in more than one way. FOr example in tracing your origin you might want to know when and where the person who enrolled you as a student was enrolled as a student, as well by Who. However; to really be familiar with what is being studied, the Equality of questions should be applied in full. FOr reference check the Culture degree in the 1-14. It asks four and gives the other two in question.

4) Get al the study aids you need: dictionary, maps, ruler, compass, magnifying glass, telescope, pencils, pens, pads, highlighter, charts, graphs, etc.. You get the picture.

5) Focus on the subject/object. Do not have your thoughts on how your going to to acquire the new Fila's when you're studying psychology. Don't be thinking about the last time you and your mate got busy when you are studying economy. Keep external distractions to the maximum minimum.

6) If what is being studies is a subject to debate, decide if you are going to support it (pro) or refute it (con). Approach the subject from the con side first if you are pr; then examine the pro so that you can know, not the half but the whole. If it is something historical being studied keep in mind the mental climate of the times. If it's a form of mathematics or science being studied and formulas are involved don't just remember the formulas. Know how and why they work.

7) Understand the way the subject/object (what you are studying) thinks, lives, grows, behaves, or performs. Get to the heart of the facts. Recognize the undeniable truths presented versus the rhetoric or suppositions. Know the relationship that the subject/object under study has to your ultimate goal.

8) Be organized! Keep notes in a logical legible fashion. Don't allow your material to become scattered. Avoid speeding tickets, don't get ahead of yourself.

9) Prepare your material for presentation and or activation. Bring good things to life!

10) Be able to see how it came from you, and be able to bring it back to you!!!Peace Equals Allah Children ExcellenceBy Ramel Allahre-typed by BeGod "Architect" Allah

How to Teach and Learn 120 Degrees in 12 WeeksCurriculum by Um-Allah

1. Read Each Set of Lessons Before Writing.

2. Write Each Set Four Times A Week.Week 1. Student Enrollment 1-10Solar Facts 1-9Actual Facts 1-13Supreme Mathematics 1-0Supreme Alphabet 1-26Lost Found Muslim Lesson 2. 14, 15, 16 DegreeLost Found Muslim Lesson 2. Students Age

Week 2.Lost Found Muslim Lesson 1. 1-5

Week 3. Test LFML 1. 6-10

Week 4.LFML 1. 11-14English C Lesson 1-36

Week 5. Lost Found Muslim Lesson 2. 1-5

Week 6. TestLFML 2. 6-10

Week 7.LFML 2. 11-15

Week 8.LFML 2. 16-20

Week 9. TestLFML 2. 21-25

Week 10. LFML 2. 26-30

Week 11.LFML 2. 31-35

Week 12.TestLFML 2. 36-40

Submitted by BeGod "Architect" Allah

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